Tag Archives: uniform

Sexualisation and Indecency (Part 2)

Again, sorry for the later post. Still busy with a lot of stuff in real life.
Also, i believe the previous subject (sexualisation and indecency) needed a few additions.

Have you ever walked around in the streets, see someone who has your fancy, then when you get closer, turns out she’s 12? Or for the women amongst us, looking at young girls while feeling disgusted the instant they actually catch your eye? Some of you probably have, and i can only blame one single thing. No, not our geneticly set pervertions, but our global Social Standard.

Since women’s emancipation, this world has had a lot of good changes. More freedom, both of speach and of choice, more high functions filled by women, it probably won’t be too much longer before the USA will get a female president.

There is just one right, of which i think they should strip from them. Or actually, from every human being: the freedom of clothes. Now don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying we should all run around naked (that would actually be a pretty stupid idea), i’m just saying we should set rules as to what a person can wear.

If i’m not mistaken, around the 70’s, there actually was a Fashion Police, armed with *drumroll* rulers. I’m not sure how long skirts and bathing suits were supposed to be, but when they saw a questionable piece of clothing, they measured to make sure they were/weren’t clothed according to the law, and fined people for it if neccesary.
If we would have such a fashion police nowadays, there wouldn’t be a single (western) country with a state debt. I would even dare to say: the amount of miniskirts is too damn high!

Now i don’t mind seeing a girl in a miniskirt, but i would prefer it that would be limited to people who can actually pull it off. No men, for starters (yes, really), no people with a BMI lower than 21,or higher than 24 (adaptions can be made, depending on how tall the person in question is), no people older than 45 (sincere apologies to some so-called MILFs, but there has to be a line somewhere), and most importantly, NO PEOPLE UNDER 21! Normally, i would say under 18, since that’s the legal age here, but people are starting to look younger every day, and 18 just isn’t acceptable for a miniskirt anymore. Oh, and before i forget it, please only wear one if you’re available.
That would: 1- make our job as men (hunting, it’s in our nature) a lot easier
2- makes it significantly harder to look at unavailable women’s behinds (honestly, i prefer the term ass)
3- give us men less potential injuries/lawsuits because of the boyfriend stepping in
So please, don’t forget that all-important part.

But what really annoys me is that there are parents who actually buy them for their toddlers. I met one of those parents one day, while walking through town, and i couldn’t go without asking the mother why she bought her daughter such an explicitly sexual piece of clothing. This was her reply: “well, she really wanted it, because her whole class has one. It’s in fashion right now, you know”. (Actually said words of this quote might differ, since this is a translation)
You might be able to understand why i had a hard time to resist the urge to punch this woman in the face. Has the thought of ‘it’s just the way it is’ evolved to a stage where we might actually already dress our newborns in undecent clothing?

I apologise for the amount of ranting in this post. This subject has bothered me for the past 10 years, and although i have made my own mistakes, i have a very strict opinion about the act of making love to one another (sorry, sex just doesn’t cover it) and sexuality. I strongly believe a person should not make love to someone, or show that she’s willing to (i add miniskirts/undecent clothing to that list) before the age of at least 16 (depending on the person’s intelligence, the age may be shifted up), and not without any form of secure protection until the moment the two people in question have decided to get a child (here as well, depending on the person’s intelligence, this may mildly be limited). Btw, i do not include people with down-syndrome as low-intelligence people. People with down-syndrome are more intelligent than some of the people i have met in my life so far. Usually, they have a superior creative side.

I thank you for putting up with this, and hope i will see you back in my next post.